The proposed hospitality project is being developed by Kempegowda International Airport Bangalore for hotel operators Taj group of Hotels. The proposed development is an extension of existing Taj Hotel at Bangalore Airport. This proposed phase II development covered over a site dimension of 113m X 75m (8475 Sq-m).
The total estimated built-area is in an order of about 1,76,500 Sq-ft to encompass 220 Keys. The total built-up area shall be adjusted across the building heights over the floors 1B+LG+UG+L1-L5+TERR. The basement floor is covered over a small area, hence in principal the total number of slabs shall be 8/7.
The maximum building length measured along block D & B measuring 92.4 meter. Therefore, the floor plate necessitates a concrete pour split and which is achieved with an induction of expansion joint between block D & B. Similarly, the widths of building is split between blocks D-C and B-A at an appropriate locations where the building has least continuity. The location of this least connection (building necks) where the expansion joints are introduced.
Reinforced concrete structural system is adopted throughout the building. However a Part of large span localise areas and large span beams receiving floating columns shall be addressed using post tensioned (PT) beams.
project details
- Client : Bengaluru International Airport Ltd.
- Year of Design/Const : 2018 - Ongoing
- Development Area : 0.18 Million/SQ.FT
- No of Floors : 1B+GF+7 = 9 Slabs
- Architect : Morphogenesis, Bengaluru
- Scope of Work : Leading Structural Design
- Project Status : Completed
- Project Location : (BIAL) Bengalure Airport